To Blog or Not To Blog? (Part 2)
In my very first post back in February, I talked about my reluctance to blog because I didn't want it to be just a "public diary". I also said I thought it might be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends. Well, it hasn't worked out that way for me! Most of my friends back in Texas are not into blogging so they never see or read the things I post here. I have a few friends here in Arizona that read (or at least let me know they read) my blog and I don't want to bore them with accounts of my mundane daily activities. Do they really want to hear about a stay at home mom and the joys/dramas of raising two teenage girls? Or how hard and depressing it is for me thinking of my oldest child graduating from high school in May and leaving for college next year? Because that's about all I can think about lately!
Sometimes I find myself thinking about religious topics that I'd like to write about, but I stop because I just feel they are too personal or perhaps controversial to put out there for just everyone and anyone to read and comment on. I've seen subjects discussed and debated on other blogs, but sometimes the discussion gets so rude and mean-spirited (none of my friends!) that it just depresses me! I sure don't need a dose of that every day! : ) Also, I'm not convinced it's a good forum for discussion/debate because tone of voice and expressions can't be seen so things like humor and sarcasm sometimes get misunderstood. I sure don't want that to happen. So, I usually just decide to keep my opinions and questions between myself and God. ; )
So, I'm kinda stuck! This week I've found myself thinking that I should probably just shut this ol' blogsite down, free up some space on the world wide web and just continue reading and enjoying the comments/discussions on other's blogs who are braver about sharing their thoughts and feelings than I am (or at least have more exciting daily activities to write about!)
Or, if you're REALLY lucky, maybe I'll keep this blog alive and post about my 3 hour dentist appointment that I have tomorrow! That would make for an exciting blog....NOT! ; ) Nah...I'll spare you that. However, this weekend our family will be taking a trip to Abilene, Texas to let our oldest daughter check out Abilene Christian University and decide if she wants to attend there next year. Please keep us in your prayers. Perhaps I'll write about that experience when we get back....
Stay tuned!
Sometimes I find myself thinking about religious topics that I'd like to write about, but I stop because I just feel they are too personal or perhaps controversial to put out there for just everyone and anyone to read and comment on. I've seen subjects discussed and debated on other blogs, but sometimes the discussion gets so rude and mean-spirited (none of my friends!) that it just depresses me! I sure don't need a dose of that every day! : ) Also, I'm not convinced it's a good forum for discussion/debate because tone of voice and expressions can't be seen so things like humor and sarcasm sometimes get misunderstood. I sure don't want that to happen. So, I usually just decide to keep my opinions and questions between myself and God. ; )
So, I'm kinda stuck! This week I've found myself thinking that I should probably just shut this ol' blogsite down, free up some space on the world wide web and just continue reading and enjoying the comments/discussions on other's blogs who are braver about sharing their thoughts and feelings than I am (or at least have more exciting daily activities to write about!)
Or, if you're REALLY lucky, maybe I'll keep this blog alive and post about my 3 hour dentist appointment that I have tomorrow! That would make for an exciting blog....NOT! ; ) Nah...I'll spare you that. However, this weekend our family will be taking a trip to Abilene, Texas to let our oldest daughter check out Abilene Christian University and decide if she wants to attend there next year. Please keep us in your prayers. Perhaps I'll write about that experience when we get back....
Stay tuned!
At 11:34 PM,
Shawn White said…
hope i didn't in any way contribute to your "non-blogginess".
At 6:40 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Shawn: No way! I LOVE reading your blog! And I always appreciate your comments on my blog. I think just a general "blahness" (how's that for a word?) in my life/attitude right now has contributed. I'm sure a spark of inspiration might hit me sometime soon. : )
Your blogs are always fun and interesting and the discussion is always good! Keep it up!!!
At 7:10 AM,
Shawn White said…
Well - don't give up the ship just yet. :)
I posted a response to Stephen's blog in response to his question which is similiar, but I think he is hording the responses for himself!
While I don't remember everything that I posted in response, I will say this. Granted that blogging does have it's drawbacks for the exact reasons that you have sighted. I would have the exact same attitude during my debates in message forums - it's very difficult to get a handle on tone, sarcasm, etc. without seeing and hearing the person. However, for those apparent drawbacks, the reason I still do it, and why I started a blog, is that I think this really does improve ones writing skills - pushing them to become more and more precise and clear with their words so that they are not misunderstood. I also think it's a valid platform because you can reach far more people than just those you have immediate contact with. It's almost like the concept of being on the radio - you're target audience can be much broader in this type of place than just those you come into contact with face-to-face.
At 7:33 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Shawn: Yep, I posted on Stephen's blog too. In fact, his question inspired this post! (And he is hoarding the responses. ; ) But I'll cut him some slack because he's out of town.)
You raised some excellent points about blogging! Thanks, as always, for your encouraging and positive words. I feel a spark of inspiration already! Maybe some new posts will be coming soon and more frequently.
At 1:56 PM,
Josh said…
You can't shut down your else will I spy on your family? (that was sarcasm, BTW):)
At 4:39 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Josh: You crack me up! Well, at least I have a reason to continue blogging now. I can't deprive you of your spying methods! ; )
By the way, I survived my dentist appointment! Yea! Three lovely white fillings (very cool!) and one extraction. They pulled one of my wisdom teeth and that was actually faster and easier than the fillings! Amazing! I'm still numb, but at least it's over. Stick that in your spy pipe and smoke it! Ha! (Sarcasm!!!!) : ) Now I can have some yummy mashed potatoes for dinner tonight!
Thanks for the laugh and the encouragement.
At 4:53 PM,
Shawn White said…
ugh - i was talking to someone at church this past sunday about our bad teeth. i hate going to dentists (really bad experience from the military that still haunts me). i've got one that needs to be fixed and another that needs to be pulled. i just can't bring myself to go.
i even hate that dentist office smell...
At 8:54 PM,
Neena said…
I love your blogs. Sometimes we don't get the time to get together and I enjoy reading about you on here. I think you should keep it up.
About your daughter leaving please fill free to call me anytime when you are having a moment. My mom probably wouldn't mind cause I know she had a hard time when I left for college. Call me anytime!!!
At 1:26 PM,
Stephen said…
Keep on bloggin' ... it may not make sense now, but as the girls start moving along, I think it will.
BTW - you have more comments than many others!
At 4:09 PM,
D.L. White said…
Don't quit! I just got here! (to the blogsphere, that is) :P You don't have to be the next Shakespeare, or have an amazing, dramatic event-filled life in order to write a blog. Every day has its own small beauties, little revelations, and funny moments. That's where the good stuff is! Also, we're called to be a "light on a hill", and this is just one more area of our society and our culture where we can be that light. You never know who might stumble across your blog and be touched by something you wrote. Also, I promise to no longer be a "lurker" and comment on your posts! :)
At 9:29 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Davina, I'm so glad you've joined in the discussions. Thanks for your encouraging words. I'll look forward to reading your comments here and the things you share on your blog as well.
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