Summer Is Over
Whew! Where did the time go? I thought last summer was bad with moving and all, but this summer was just as busy and brought almost as many changes.
The month of July, especially, was just a blur. The month began with having one of the girls' friends from Texas stay with us for two weeks. She was a joy and we all had a blast having her with us. We got to spend the 4th of July swimming, cooking out and watching the wonderful fireworks display that our community put on. Chelsea attended a week long basketball camp during this time and Ashley had her senior photos made too.
Next up was helping coordinate our Vacation Bible School at church. I got to work closely with Neena, which was great! We were both "1st timers" at being in charge of a VBS, but everything came together just fine. Our numbers grew each night and I think everyone enjoyed it. It was also an opportunity to get to know many of our church members lots better. So overall, I'd call it a success. I think my favorite part of VBS was getting to meet Neena's parents and spend some time with them. They are great and we had a blast playing "Pegs and Jokers" with them, Josh and Neena after VBS was over. What fun!!!
We then had a week long "break", if you can call it that. Caught up on house cleaning, painted the extra bedroom, did some back to school shopping.
Then on July 25th, I flew to Texas and drove back to Arizona with my youngest brother, Ross. (He's who we painted the extra bedroom for!) He has just started a new job here in Scottsdale and will be living with us until he gets "up and running" on his own. We're very excited for him and this opportunity. We also enjoy having him around.
Then, to end the month, we had a youth devotional at our house, which is always fun. We really love this group of kids! Also, my in-laws came to visit for a few days. We took them to Sedona to enjoy the beautiful scenery and just basically spent some time catching up with each other.
And now, school starts on Monday! Wow! Usually I'm very sad when my girls have to go back to school and the summer has come to an end. But honestly, I have to say I'm looking forward to the routine that the school year brings after the whirlwind of the past month!
Hope all of you had a good summer. It's my prayer that God will bless all the teachers, students and parents as we all get back to school. I'm now looking forward to weekends of sitting on the couch and watching some football! Yea!!!! : )
The month of July, especially, was just a blur. The month began with having one of the girls' friends from Texas stay with us for two weeks. She was a joy and we all had a blast having her with us. We got to spend the 4th of July swimming, cooking out and watching the wonderful fireworks display that our community put on. Chelsea attended a week long basketball camp during this time and Ashley had her senior photos made too.
Next up was helping coordinate our Vacation Bible School at church. I got to work closely with Neena, which was great! We were both "1st timers" at being in charge of a VBS, but everything came together just fine. Our numbers grew each night and I think everyone enjoyed it. It was also an opportunity to get to know many of our church members lots better. So overall, I'd call it a success. I think my favorite part of VBS was getting to meet Neena's parents and spend some time with them. They are great and we had a blast playing "Pegs and Jokers" with them, Josh and Neena after VBS was over. What fun!!!
We then had a week long "break", if you can call it that. Caught up on house cleaning, painted the extra bedroom, did some back to school shopping.
Then on July 25th, I flew to Texas and drove back to Arizona with my youngest brother, Ross. (He's who we painted the extra bedroom for!) He has just started a new job here in Scottsdale and will be living with us until he gets "up and running" on his own. We're very excited for him and this opportunity. We also enjoy having him around.
Then, to end the month, we had a youth devotional at our house, which is always fun. We really love this group of kids! Also, my in-laws came to visit for a few days. We took them to Sedona to enjoy the beautiful scenery and just basically spent some time catching up with each other.
And now, school starts on Monday! Wow! Usually I'm very sad when my girls have to go back to school and the summer has come to an end. But honestly, I have to say I'm looking forward to the routine that the school year brings after the whirlwind of the past month!
Hope all of you had a good summer. It's my prayer that God will bless all the teachers, students and parents as we all get back to school. I'm now looking forward to weekends of sitting on the couch and watching some football! Yea!!!! : )
At 4:54 PM,
Neena said…
I feel the same way about this summer. It was really fast and crazy. I can't wait for the routine.
At 9:12 AM,
Shawn White said…
good - now you'll have more time to blog - lol. i'm just kidding. although stephen hasn't posted a new entry in foreva...what's up with that? is he super-busy?
football!!!!! i watched some of the pre-season games this weekend - i love this time of year.
At 2:16 PM,
Josh said…
FOOTBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!!! My favorite time of year.
This summer was crazy! Especially towards the end. For the firs time in a very long time i'm actually glad that the school year is here. You guys have been super-busy so I'm glad things may get the chance to slow down.
You're the best!
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