My Daughter The Rock Star and Other Catching Up!
Wow! Where has the time gone? Since I last wrote a "real" post, we've had guests here for Thanksgiving, Christmas and one guest in January. We hit the ground running in 2007 and it hasn't slowed down yet! Ashley is staying busy getting ready for Prom, Graduation, Student Government activities, Choir concerts and her job. Ashley's prom dress is gorgeous and we had a fun time shopping for it. They took it right off the mannequin and it fit her perfectly! Just needed a little hemming. She's going to look absolutely beautiful! Chelsea is running track, playing basketball and singing in Choir. In February she sprained her left ankle during a basketball game and then a few weeks later she got hit with a hockey puck in PE and got three stiches over her left eyebrow! Needless to say, those two girls keep us pretty busy. Stephen is still waiting for his job situation to settle down. The company he works for was sold in October so everyone's future is up in the air. Stephen and the people that work with him have been very busy trying to keep everyone calm while waiting to see what's in store for their own job situations as well. It's been a stressful time for him, but he seems to be handling it well. He has two or three very promising prospects. We hope to know something by the end of April. Please keep him in your prayers.
We just returned from our week long Spring Break trip to Texas. We jokingly called it our "Tour of Texas" because we put a lot of miles on the car and made so many stops. We stopped in Abilene and visited the ACU campus. Ashley is so excited about going there next year and just wanted to hang out a little bit. (She also wanted another ACU t-shirt to torture our youth minister with. He's an LCU alum. Love ya, Josh!) ; )
While there we also took a tour of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing where they print the paper money. It was really interesting and lots of fun. There is only two of these facitlities in the U.S. One in Washington and one in Ft. Worth. I now can show you how to tell if you money was printed in Ft. Worth or Washington. Did you know there is even a kind of "money C.S.I. team"? If paper money is damaged by fire, flood, termites etc. (even if it was eaten by a cow!!!!!), there are people whose job it is to try and identify the money by the serial numbers so they can reimburse the owner. Isn't that cool? After leaving Ft. Worth, we made a little side trip to Strawn, Texas to go to the Dreamer's Candle factory. These are my absolute favorite candles and Stephen let me replenish my supply. What fun!
We then continued on to the Houston area and visited the Genaro side of the family. It was so great to see my brother and sister-in-law, my sister and my mom and dad. But best of all was getting to spend time with and spoil my precious nephew and niece (the most adorable children in the world!!!). They are at the perfect age to just have a blast with. I adore them and it is my goal to be "Cool Aunt Libby". ; ) Since I won't be with them on Easter to give them a treat, I took them to Build-A-Bear and we had a great time!
It was a nice Spring Break. We got to see the people we love most, eat some wonderful food, and as an added bonus, all the Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush and Red Bud trees were in bloom so we got to enjoy God's creation along the way! But then, it's all God's creation isn't it? What a blessing! We had a great trip but it's nice to be home and get back into the usual routine.
At 10:50 AM,
Josh said…
Get back to your usual routine...Lady you guys are CRAZY! I didn't read one single word that talked about room to breathe. Do you guys have a snorkle? Scuba gear? Y'all are too busy...but you make it work, and look good too. I need advice from you guys on how to do family before my kiddo gets here. What's your secret?
BTW: This year at Encounter I'm hooking your daughter up with all the "right" and "True" Christian apparell. Everyone know that you spell Jesus...LCU! GO Chaps!!
At 11:16 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
I guess some LCU apparel would be ok, but remember, ACU is on "The Hill" where Jesus is going to come back first! (Just kidding!!!!!!) We have LCU blood in the family and love it too. ; ) I'm just so thankful for all our Christian universities. It's giving me much peace to be able to send my precious daughter to that kind of environment.
Thank you for your kind words. All I can say about the craziness is get out your scuba gear and dive in! The water's fine! And you and Neena are going to be great.
We're looking forward to seeing y'all on Friday.
At 4:07 PM,
MDM said…
You are precious, E!! I loved sitting behind you in church and watching the comraderie between you guys. ACU rocks!! I can't believe your big girl will be there next year. Makes me wanna go to homecoming...Go cats!!
At 2:02 PM,
D.L. White said…
Thanks for the update Elizabeth! It was fun to read about your spring break trip. :) The pictures were really cute too! Glad you had a good time. Also, that's awesome about the talent contest. I've always thought your girls are awesome singers! (Actually, your whole family is pretty good!!!)
At 8:54 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
MDM: Thanks for stopping by! You're such a sweetheart. It was so nice to get to visit with you a little bit on Sunday. It was a really nice day. And yes, ACU indeed rocks!!! Maybe we'll run into each other at homecoming. ; )
d.l. white: Always good to hear from you. Thanks for your sweet compliment. : )
At 8:14 PM,
Jacinda said…
I ran across your blog and have to agree that ACU is an awesome place! I graduated waaaaay back in '95 and had a great time while there!
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