Time Sure Flies!

In other news about the girls...Chelsea just made the JV basketball team, so she is now officially a Lady Jag. Yea!!!
Ashley received her acceptance letter to Abilene Christian last week. She is so excited and we're excited for her.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm not ready!!! It's really snuck up on me. I plan to spend this week getting the house ready for our friends who'll be visiting us from Texas. I've also got to plan the menu and start doing some grocery shopping and some baking. Even if the house is not as clean or perfect as I might want it to be, I know we'll have fun catching up, eating, playing games and just hanging out. We're really looking forward to it.
Then it will be time to decorate for Christmas and get ready for my parents and my sister to visit. I can hardly wait!
The holidays are officially upon us. It's such a busy time of year, but I love it!
At 5:57 PM,
Neena said…
Happy Birthday to Chelsea. She is a great girl. You did a great job raising her.
Have fun getting ready for your friends to come in. I bet it will be so much fun for you. I love the holidays!!!
At 9:22 PM,
D.L. White said…
Your girls are awesome! I hope Chelsea had a good birthday!
Enjoy the thanksgiving holiday!
This is the second time ever I've had to spend the holiday without my mom here to cook. The first time - Marie Calender's "cooked" our Thanksgiving dinner for us. This year, my mother-in-law is doing the turkey and stuffing and I'm doing the side dishes, rolls, etc.
I must be insane...
If it doesn't work out, can we come eat at your house? (just kidding!)
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