Keeping In Touch: Elizabeth's BlogSpot

Saturday, August 02, 2008

I'm Baaaa-aack!

Hello?  Is anybody out there?  Who knows if anyone will even read this!  It's been so long since I've posted that I'm sure most of my friends/readers have given up on me.  Oh well...if you're still out there, here's a short update on the latest events.

It's been a crazy year!  After having our family spread out in three different locations (Abilene, Houston and Anthem, AZ) for about six months, we are finally all back together again!  We moved back to Texas at the end of May and believe you me, it was a long, drawn-out, stressful process.  However, all's well that end's well.  We've moved into a beautiful new house that is a mile away from my parents and 1/2 a mile away from our daughter's High School.  I get to see my precious nephew and niece almost every day, so life is good.  We've spent the summer unpacking, installing shelves, renewing or transferring driver's licenses, bank accounts, insurance, utilities and etc., etc. etc.  : )

We did take a break for a little fun though.  My sweet husband agreed to take ballroom dance lessons with me.  So, for the past 5 Mondays, we've been attending a dance class with some friends of ours and have learned to Fox Trot, Cha-Cha, Swing Dance and Waltz.  It's been really fun and Stephen was a real sport to do this with me and did a great job!  Will we ever use this new skill?  Who knows, but it was a blast to learn and a nice break from all the craziness this summer.

We miss our friends in Arizona and the beautiful weather there, but I must admit it's very good to be close to my family again.

We're all doing fine and getting settled in.  Once school starts, we'll probably get a more set routine (I hope!) and maybe I'll have a chance to update this blog more often.  Until then, I wish all my friends out there in blog-ville a fond hello.  Hope all's well with you and yours.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tag, You're It! - Christmas Questionaire

My friend, Davina , tagged me to answer these questions so here goes:

1.  What kind of tree do you have?
A beautiful 7 foot artificial tree with pine cones on it.  I think it's gorgeous, but am ready for a pre-lit tree.  My arms look like I've been attacked by several angry cats after putting the lights on the tree!  I've been working for years to decorate it entirely in Teddy Bear ornaments and Jingle Bells and am getting very close.  Of course, I have to add the ornaments that the girls have made over the years or the special ones that friends and family have given us, so it will always be a bit of a hodge-podge, but I like it that way!

2.  What is your favorite Christmas movie?
I've enjoyed "A Charlie Brown Christmas" since childhood so that has to be my sentimental favorite.  The best scene is when Linus is reciting the Christmas story.  Love it!!!  My favorite goofy Christmas move is "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase and we also like "Elf" with Will Ferrell.  I could name many more!  I'm kind of a sucker for Christmas movies.

3.  What is your favorite Christmas holiday food?
Another toughie since I really love to eat!  Again, I'll go back to a sentimental favorite and say the fudge that my grandmother used to make and the peanut brittle that Stephen's grandmother makes.  Yummy!  I also love Christmas dinner with a big ham and mashed potatoes and all the other delicious side dishes.  (Boy!  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!)

4.  Do you use wrapping paper or gift bags?
I have to completely agree with Davina on this one!  I love packages under the tree, so I wrap as many as possible.  But odd shaped gifts just have to go in the bags.  (I also have a huge collection of gift bags that I just can't seem to get rid of.  I try to let my girls use them for the gifts they give their friends.)  : )

5.  Do you have a nativity scene in your house?
Yes.  I have a Precious Moments nativity scene that Stephen got me one Christmas.  I leave it out all year long, but sometimes put it in a more prominent spot during the Christmas season.  The story of Jesus coming to earth with angels announcing the good news just gives me goosebumps and I love to be reminded of it every day.  I love the season when the whole world is reflecting on it!

6.  What is your favorite Christmas song?
This one is totally impossible to answer!  So, again, I'll just start with my sentimental favorite and say the entire "Beach Boys Christmas Album".  My parents gave this to me (on vinyl) when I was a pre-teen and I've owned it in every form since (cassette, CD and MP3)!  Suffice it to say that it is hard to find a Christmas song I don't like!  Some favorites are "Carol of the Bells", "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", "O Holy Night", "Welcome To Our World" and "Deck The Halls" just to name a few.

7.  What is the most memorable gift you ever received as a child?
One Christmas my little sister and brother sent me in to see if Santa had come.  When I snuck into our living room VERY early that morning, I saw the tree all lit up and our "big presents" weren't wrapped.  They were all assembled and sitting under the tree for us to find.  A huge Barbie doll house, a bike, a Hot Wheels racetrack all just waiting to be played with.  It was magical!  I bet my parents were exhausted, but it is one of my favorite Christmas memories.

8.  What was the worst gift you ever received?
A hideous black lacquer Oriental-style painting.  (If you've ever seen my house, you know there is nothing Oriental about it!)  It went straight to the Goodwill box!  (Gee, I hope the person who gave it to me doesn't read this.  I'm sure someone else is enjoying it very much.)  ; )

9.  Most annoying thing about this time of year?
The stress and the crowds!

10.  Favorite thing about this time of year?
I love the festive decorations, the music and giving gifts.  I love that it's a time of year when we make time to spend with friends and family laughing, playing games, eating and just enjoying being together.  I also love that the whole world is remembering that Jesus left Heaven and came to Earth for us.

Thanks, Davina.  That was fun!  I'd love to hear your comments and now I'll tag Neena and Amber.

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Season of Thanksgiving

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted here. My life has become very unsettled in the last few months and there hasn't been much time to spend writing or reflecting. We've had some really life-changing experiences this Fall with our daughter leaving home for college, Stephen losing his job and having to look for another one and now having to move back to Texas and try to sell a house in a depressed market. I must admit it's been a little overwhelming and I've been struggling to not be depressed. But today, following a wonderful few days celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to take time to count my blessings.

First, I'm thankful that my entire family was under the same roof for the first time since August! I thank God for my husband and my two beautiful girls!!! It was wonderful finally getting to walk by Ashley's room and see it occupied and it gave me such joy watching my girls talk and giggle together! Sitting around the dinner table together (or card table in our case, since we sold our dining tables recently) took on a whole new meaning. I've definitely taken that privilege for granted in the past. We had fun shopping, seeing movies and laughing and talking together. It was tough putting Ashley on the plane Sunday morning, but I'm thankful for her safe travel back to ACU and that that she has the opportunity to be there.

Next, I'm thankful for all my friends, our brothers and sisters in Christ, who have agreed to share the next 40 days with us praying for the sale of our house and our relocation back to Texas. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a very stressful time in our lives, but knowing that I have a spiritual family willing to go before the throne of God on our behalf gives me such peace...well, I can't even put it into words. Just know that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and am so thankful for your friendship and your prayers.

I'm also thankful for my husband's new job. Even though it has caused some big changes and some inconveniences for us, it is nothing compared to the problems of being unemployed! I'm also thankful that God has blessed Stephen with good health and safe travel and pray that He will continue to do so.

I'm thankful that Chelsea made the Varsity Basketball team. I'm so proud of her accomplishment and, in the midst of so much change, it's been a nice distraction and feeling of normalcy to be able to take her to and from practice and to go watch her play! Go Lady Jags! ; )

Last, but certainly not least, I'm thankful that my whole family knows and loves the LORD and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Even when I'm struggling with depression, uncertainty and doubt I know He cares about me and knows what's best for me and my family and allows me to have peace knowing that He is guiding our paths. I'm well aware that my problems are very small in the big scheme of things, but it's nice to know that God cares. I know he sees the future even though I can't and I'm thankful to be able to put that future in His hands and trust Him with it. I have faith that He will put us where we need to be! God is so good and there is so much to be thankful for!

Thank you for letting me share this with you. I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and that the Christmas season ahead will be full of blessings for you!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Confessions of a Harry Potter Geek

Yes, I confess...I'm one of the millions of children and adults alike who are counting down the days till the final book in the Harry Potter series arrives at my doorstep! (Yes, I've pre-ordered my copy from Amazon.) This series has been my guilty pleasure for many years now. I was introduced to Harry Potter when I "screened" the first book to make sure it was appropriate reading for my children and I was hooked! My girls both lost interest in Harry along the way, but I've now read and re-read all the books many times and have seen and own all the movies in the series too . In other words, I became the "geek"!

It will be with mixed emotions that I begin this last chapter in the lives of all these characters I've come to know and love over the past several years. Part of me is dying to have the answers to all the unsolved mysteries left to tie up (the biggies: "Is Snape good or evil?", "Will Harry defeat the evil Lord Voldemort and survive?"), but another part of me is sad to know that this will be the end of years of entertainment and pure escapism that have brought me a lot of joy. I guess the good news is that, like all good classics, the saga of Harry Potter can be re-read and enjoyed over and over again! In my humble opinion, J.K. Rowling has created a story that will stand the test of time and will go down in history with the likes of "The Wizard of Oz", "Alice In Wonderland" and "The Hobbit", to name a few.

Last night I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie, "Order of the Phoenix". Although the movie was true to the story, casting was great and the visual effects were, well, "magical", I always leave the movies a little disappointed. Rowling's books are so detailed and so much has to be cut out or changed to fit in to a movie! Believe me, if you've only seen the movies, you're really missing out! To me, they just never quite reach the level of the books. Of course, I don't think I've ever seen a movie made from a book that was as good as the book was. "The Notebook" comes to mind as doing a pretty good job, but I'd still take the book over the movie any day!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on books made into movies. Any good ones you'd recommend? Also, what is your favorite book series? Is there one that you've just fallen in love with? Yes, I know that Harry Potter is just "fluff and nonsense" in a world full of serious issues. I can and do read about these things too, but once in awhile I just love a story that I can get lost in! One that takes you away to another place and time if just for a little while. How 'bout you?

Ok, anybody out there with me? I can guarantee you that I will be spending the weekend of July 21st curled up with a good book...lost in the enchanting world of Harry Potter! And I can't wait!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My "Baby" Is Moving On!

Well, we made it through the month of May. Both Prom and Graduation are over now and we all survived. Ashley had a wonderful time at her prom and, as a mom, I have to say she looked stunning as well! (No bias there, huh?) ; ) She also graduated in the top 15% percent of her class and was a Sr. Senator in the Student Government. We were bursting with pride as she walked across the stage and accepted her diploma as a member of the first graduating class ever of Boulder Creek High School!

As you, my loyal friends and blog readers know, I've had a tough time adjusting this year to the fact that my firstborn child will be leaving the nest in the fall. My heart has been flooded with mixed emotions of pride and happiness touched with sadness knowing that I'll miss seeing that sweet face every day. (Plus there's this nagging question of, "Am I really this old?") ; ) But now that we've gone through High School graduation, I'm left with feelings of gratefulness and hope as Ashley steps out in faith on her journey to adulthood. I know I'm going to miss having her around everyday, but I am so pleased with the direction she's going and excited for the opportunities and experiences she has ahead of her! I'm also looking forward to some quality time with my other "baby", Chelsea. She's going to have a tough time adjusting to not having her sister/best friend around every day. I'm sure we will be our own little support group for each other. : )

God has blessed me with two children who have filled my life with joy! My cup truly overflows! Thanks to all of you for the prayers and support you've given our family during this time of transition.

Here's to the Class of 2007! May God bless each and every one of them!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dancing With The Stars

My latest TV obsession is "Dancing With The Stars". I've become a little disappointed with 24 this season and the whole "Sanjaya thing" got me a little bored with American Idol (although Jordin Sparks is fantastic!). But this season of "DWTS" has been really great!

Did anyone see Joey Fatone last night dance the Foxtrot and the Jive? It was amazing!!! I could watch it over and over again! I'm hoping he'll win the whole thing, but Laila Ali and Apolo Ohno are going to give him a run for his money, I'm afraid! Ian Ziering is doing really well too, but I predict he won't take the number one spot in the end.

I have to admit that this show is really making me want to go take some ballroom dance lessons and it's really made me nostalgic for my old High School drill team days! My inner "Ginger Rogers" is just dying to come out and twirl around the dance floor. What fun!

Tonight is the results show and my prediction is that either Billy Ray Cyrus or John Ratzenberger will be going home. Can't wait to find out and can't wait to see Joey's dances again!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thought for the Day...

I have a little plaque hanging over my phone (and I should probably put one over the computer too) that says: " O Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I've said enough."

I like it because it reminds me that the Bible says, "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." (Proverbs 10:19 NIV) Or as the New Living Translation puts it "Don't talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!" Isn't that great? Sadly it's advice that I've failed to follow at times and I just hate the taste of crow! ; )

Our words are powerful things! They can hurt. (The Don Imus fiasco this week is one example that comes to mind!) I've been hurt by words at times. And too many times I've lost sleep at night worrying about things I've said and how they came off to the people who heard them. On the other hand, I have also experienced words from others that were insightful, enlightening, encouraging or even healing. And hope I've used words in this way as well.

Matthew 12:34 NIV says, "...for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." And Matthew 12: 36-37 also tells us that we'll have to give account for every careless word we've spoken! The Message puts it this way,

"Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation."

Wow! That makes you stop and think, doesn't it? I truly want to be a person whose "mouth is filled with worthwhile stuff", so the words on my little plaque are a very appropriate prayer reminder for me!

Just thought I'd share this thought with my few (but precious!) blog friends. Do you have any prayer reminders around your house?

Have a great weekend!