Confessions of a Harry Potter Geek

Yes, I confess...I'm one of the millions of children and adults alike who are counting down the days till the final book in the Harry Potter series arrives at my doorstep! (Yes, I've pre-ordered my copy from Amazon.) This series has been my guilty pleasure for many years now. I was introduced to Harry Potter when I "screened" the first book to make sure it was appropriate reading for my children and I was hooked! My girls both lost interest in Harry along the way, but I've now read and re-read all the books many times and have seen and own all the movies in the series too . In other words, I became the "geek"!
It will be with mixed emotions that I begin this last chapter in the lives of all these characters I've come to know and love over the past several years. Part of me is dying to have the answers to all the unsolved mysteries left to tie up (the biggies: "Is Snape good or evil?", "Will Harry defeat the evil Lord Voldemort and survive?"), but another part of me is sad to know that this will be the end of years of entertainment and pure escapism that have brought me a lot of joy. I guess the good news is that, like all good classics, the saga of Harry Potter can be re-read and enjoyed over and over again! In my humble opinion, J.K. Rowling has created a story that will stand the test of time and will go down in history with the likes of "The Wizard of Oz", "Alice In Wonderland" and "The Hobbit", to name a few.
Last night I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie, "Order of the Phoenix". Although the movie was true to the story, casting was great and the visual effects were, well, "magical", I always leave the movies a little disappointed. Rowling's books are so detailed and so much has to be cut out or changed to fit in to a movie! Believe me, if you've only seen the movies, you're really missing out! To me, they just never quite reach the level of the books. Of course, I don't think I've ever seen a movie made from a book that was as good as the book was. "The Notebook" comes to mind as doing a pretty good job, but I'd still take the book over the movie any day!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on books made into movies. Any good ones you'd recommend? Also, what is your favorite book series? Is there one that you've just fallen in love with? Yes, I know that Harry Potter is just "fluff and nonsense" in a world full of serious issues. I can and do read about these things too, but once in awhile I just love a story that I can get lost in! One that takes you away to another place and time if just for a little while. How 'bout you?
Ok, anybody out there with me? I can guarantee you that I will be spending the weekend of July 21st curled up with a good book...lost in the enchanting world of Harry Potter! And I can't wait!