Rain and SNOW!

Well, after 143 days with no rain, the drought in Arizona is finally over! God blessed us with a nice long soaking rain beginning late Friday night and all day Saturday. And, as an added bonus, there was also snow!!!! Now for Southeast Texans, snow is a rare and exciting sight, so Stephen, the girls and I all got in the car and drove north a little ways to see it. We didn't have to drive far. We began seeing flakes almost immediately. This picture was taken just about 30 minutes away from our house. What a treat to get to see the snow on the tops of the Saguaro cactus!
On Sunday morning the rain was over, but the snow is still on the mountaintops so the view is gorgeous!
This week's forecast calls for more sun and the temperature will be close to 80 by the end of the week. Winter was short and the rain has passed, but I sure did enjoy it!
At 12:35 PM,
Josh said…
YAY for snow!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Rain!!!!!!!!! What a weekend. what a winter. Now onto Monsoon season!
Great Pic.
At 1:09 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Josh: Glad you liked the picture. I would have posted more, but couldn't figure out how. : ( (Remember, I'm new at this blogging stuff!)
Wasn't it a great weekend? Yes, now we can brace ourselves for the coming Monsoons and oppressive heat!!
At 3:46 PM,
Shawn White said…
it was a fantastic weekend!!!
ah - the beloved monsoons - i love that time of year. :)
At 6:07 PM,
Neena said…
I'm right there with you about the rain as you read on my blog. I'm ready for Monsoon season though cause I love the lightning storms. Even though it is hot that is my next favorite time.
At 6:12 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Neena: Me too! The lightning storms are amazing! And thank goodness for swimming pools to help us deal with the heat. I still have to chuckle at the term "monsoon season" though. There sure wasn't much rain last summer! But I guess that's all relative to people living in the desert vs. living on the Gulf Coast, right?
Shawn: It was a great weekend! 24 night tonight!!!! What will Jack do next?!
At 9:00 PM,
Stephen said…
How bizarre, how bizarre....
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