Is There A Better Show on TV Than 24?
Ok...I have a confession to make. Don't bother calling me on Monday nights between 8 and 9 p.m. I'll be firmly planted in front of the TV watching Jack Bauer save the day on 24! I came in late as a fan (Season 3) but have been hooked since the first time I watched (and have since rented Seasons 1 and 2).
What constantly surprises me is that the show constantly surprises me! Each season I think "What more could they possibly come up with for Jack and the terrorists to do?", but the writers always throw in a twist that keeps me coming back for more! I happened to hear someone on the radio talking about 24 and they said that the writers are so good that they could take the plot line of "and now a bumblebee comes into the room and stings Jack", and make it exciting. I think I'd have to agree.
Ya gotta love it!
What constantly surprises me is that the show constantly surprises me! Each season I think "What more could they possibly come up with for Jack and the terrorists to do?", but the writers always throw in a twist that keeps me coming back for more! I happened to hear someone on the radio talking about 24 and they said that the writers are so good that they could take the plot line of "and now a bumblebee comes into the room and stings Jack", and make it exciting. I think I'd have to agree.
Ya gotta love it!
At 10:14 AM,
Josh said…
Did you watch "Deal or No Deal" before 24? What a crazy show...I can't believe that show got me hooked! And, it comes on every night 'til Friday...Any guesses as to what I'll be doing?
Haven't gotten the 24 bug yet...I think that I'm too far behind or am mentally encapable of enjoying it. take your pick.
At 10:22 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
No, Josh, I haven't seen "Deal or No Deal". I'm afraid I'll get hooked and I don't need another addiction!!!! You can fill me in....
I would never suggest that you are mentally incapable of enjoying 24! But I would suggest watching Season 3 on DVD. It was THE BEST!!!!
At 6:18 PM,
Neena said…
I haven't gotten into 24 either. Everyone I know watches it though. I just don't want to get hooked cause then I will be upset when I miss it and I have done that with other shows.
At 7:53 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Neena: I completely understand! That's why I'm trying not to get hooked on anything new.
At 8:04 PM,
Stephen said…
I love the show. Seasons do seem to blur together, and I don't understand how they never sleep, eatm etc., but it's still good.
And now there is 24 the game!
At 9:40 PM,
Shawn White said…
Woo Hoo!!! 24 fans unite!!!
Davina and I haven't missed an episode since Season 1. We started watching it because both of us are huge Keifer Sutherland fans.
I would have to agree - season 3 was really, really good - probably my favorite season. And yes, Stephen, they do start to all run together - lol.
For us (and I'm sure I'm going to give away too much) we have 24 on Monday, Lost on Wednesday and Monk on Friday. Other than that it's movies, movies, movies.
We typically don't watch our shows while they are on though - we Tivo them, and then as soon as they are recorded we watch them because then we can skip all the commercials and watch an hour long episode in 40 minutes. :)
Good stuff!
At 10:55 PM,
Beverly said…
I have got to check this show out. Everybody tells me to watch it..
At 11:31 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
SHAWN: I'm so excited to find two more 24 fans!Yes, Jack Bauer/Keifer Sutherland rocks!
My parents love Monk and have tried to get me to watch it. I've enjoyed the episodes I've seen. I've also seen a couple episodes of Lost and liked it too, but, as I've said previously....just trying to avoid becoming a total couch potato!!! I'm bad enough, as it is! : )
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I'm enjoying the blogosphere!
At 8:40 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Beverly: (That is one of my favorite names!) Thanks for visiting/posting on my blog. Do check out 24 if you get the chance. I think you'll like it!
At 9:37 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Chelsea: That response does not surprise me at all! Thanks for posting. Love you too! ♥
At 10:16 AM,
Shawn White said…
woo hoo!!! 2 hours of 24 on tonight - i can't wait, unfortunately i will have to since i'm going to a concert. so shhhhhh - no spoilers.
At 10:20 AM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Shawn: Mum's the word! Enjoy the concert.
At 11:39 PM,
Shawn White said…
24 - wow, i'm speechless...
At 5:37 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
I know!!! Can you believe it? My Dad is in complete denial and believes that "You Know Who" (don't want to spoil it for anyone) is still alive. : ) Can't wait to see what happens Monday and how Jack is possibly going to get out of this one!
That last paragraph reminded me of the old Batman series! "HOW WILL JACK POSSIBLY SURVIVE? TUNE IN MONDAY. SAME "JACK" TIME, SAME "JACK" CHANNEL". Ha!
At 9:48 PM,
Ross said…
"I love the show. Seasons do seem to blur together, and I don't understand how they never sleep, eatm etc., but it's still good.
And now there is 24 the game!"
...... so that you too can never sleep, eat, etc.
At 9:50 PM,
Ross said…
I watched last season religiously but this season I knew I would have to miss a few episodes so I think I'll just catch it on DVD rather than be totally lost...
At 10:15 PM,
Elizabeth C. said…
Ross: It's more fun to watch on DVD anyway. Instant gratification and no commercials! Ha!
At 10:27 PM,
Shawn White said…
"It's more fun to watch on DVD anyway. Instant gratification and no commercials! Ha!"
absolutely agree - the only bad thing with the dvd's is once you start, you can't stop. lol
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