Send Your Rain
Rain is on the minds of a lot of us here in Arizona lately. We are entering our 5th month with no measurable rain now. Growing up in Houston, TX on the Gulf Coast, I took rain for granted. In fact, there was many a time I was down-right sick of rain! But now that I've relocated to Arizona, I find myself reliving very fond memories of the cool fresh air before and after a rain. Or curling up with a good book while listening to the raindrops hit the window, watching the lightening and feeling the thunder. I really miss the rain! Even a few days ago when we got a few sprinkles, I was standing outside enjoying every one of them as they quickly evaporated. I also find the song "Send Your Rain" going through my head a lot. Of course, I know that song isn't just about physical rain but is asking God to rain down His Spirit and His grace on His people.
I am a person that has met head-on with God's amazing grace and mercy. I can say along with the apostle Paul, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - and I was the worst of them all." (1 Tim. 1:15) Yet, praise God, he rains down his grace and mercy on me time and time again. That is good news!!! Thinking about that kind of "rain" has been a good reminder to me. When I think of all that God has done for me that I didn't deserve, it reminds me to be more forgiving to those who hurt my feelings or even "sin against me". God has blessed me with His amazing grace and I want others to experience that too. Maybe they can first experience a little bit of it through me. Wow! That's something to strive for! So, while I pray and wait for some physical rain, I'll keep rejoicing in the grace that God, through Jesus, rains down on us every day. I will also continue to pray for the Lord's help to be more Christ-like and try to pass on some of that grace to everyone around me.
I am a person that has met head-on with God's amazing grace and mercy. I can say along with the apostle Paul, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - and I was the worst of them all." (1 Tim. 1:15) Yet, praise God, he rains down his grace and mercy on me time and time again. That is good news!!! Thinking about that kind of "rain" has been a good reminder to me. When I think of all that God has done for me that I didn't deserve, it reminds me to be more forgiving to those who hurt my feelings or even "sin against me". God has blessed me with His amazing grace and I want others to experience that too. Maybe they can first experience a little bit of it through me. Wow! That's something to strive for! So, while I pray and wait for some physical rain, I'll keep rejoicing in the grace that God, through Jesus, rains down on us every day. I will also continue to pray for the Lord's help to be more Christ-like and try to pass on some of that grace to everyone around me.
At 5:18 PM,
Josh said…
Amen, Sista! Are you up for preaching next time Tom is out of town? No, seriously...people need to hear this.
I'd sit at your feet. Too much experience for me not to learn from. Gooooooooooooooood(good) Post!
At 9:43 PM,
Stephen said…
You are so right...we live in a dry and weary land where there is literally no water. Thank God for His "rain" which blesses us all.
I am glad you are blogging. You are full of grace and do pass it on to others.
At 11:20 AM,
Shawn White said…
yep - i keep thinking it's going to rain and then nothing...i hope when it does eventually rain that it's a good, hard one and it lasts most of the day. :)
i wonder if it will rain on the new earth?
At 3:59 AM,
Danny Sims said…
We finally got some rain here... Our drought is almost as bad as yours (no measurable rain since Ocotber before last week).
I'm glad you took Stephen's advice!
At 10:36 AM,
crallspace said…
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